This is the new product invented by Skidmarkk lead singer David Sirois... these are the first few games we have for it right now. This console strictly makes games based on movies and music.

Bounce: The Game
This game is not unlike the one you play at amusement parks. The game that you have to use a large mallet to club gophers as they pop up from the many holes. But here, you are the members of System of a Down and while your singing your hit soung "bounce" you use oversized microphones to club Ben Affleck and Gwenyth Paltrow when they pop out of their trailer.

Rain Man: The Game
In this game you are Raymond Babbit. First you meet your brother Charlie for lunch and you must count the toothpicks he throws at you so you can move to the car level. It's here when you need to drive in the driveway until you find the pack of cards hidden somewhere in the car. As soon as you master counting these cards you are sent to Las Vegas where you must make enough money to go across country and have enough money left over to get some boxer shorts at K-Mart on 400 Oak Street.