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>>"The Godfather Songs are my favorite"
>>"It's just funny, I love it"
>>"I don;t know who most of the people are that your making fun of, but it doesn't matter it's hilarious"
>>"Music has never given me a headache before, this gives me a headache"
>>"That other Nate song, is really mean"
>>"Here Comes Nolan Claus is the best song ever"
>>"The first track of the Christmas Album is great. It sounds like Halloween"
>>"Whoa, scarin' me son"

More reviews soon.


03-09-2002... The Godfather Album finished recording by writing and recording 10 tracks tonight. It's not going to be a double album but a 53 minute album with the 18th and final track being a 13 minute Outtake track which should make history. We are looking at a 03-12 or a 03-19 release.
02-15-2002... Four tracks were recorded for the "The Godfather Album" tonight which brings the total song count right now to 8. Skidmarkk is thinking of making this a double album so be on the look out for many more songs.
01-25-2002... The release of "The Christmas Album" exactly one month after Christmas. It's the Skidmarkk way.
01-12-2002 ... The Godfather Album is still in recording and will continue as soon as they can get time in the studio.

01-01-2002 ... Happy New Year and the Skidmarkk Album #4 is in Post-Production and will be ready for the 01-25-2002 release.

12-25-2001 ... Skidmarkk has cancelled the release date and has pushed it to a January 25th release date. This is just like Skidmarkk, releasing a Christmas album one month after the holiday.

12-23-2001 ... Word that David Sirois not only will guest star on the new ET album but might have a solo project coming. We don't know the name, or even if it will be on Pantaloon Records.

12-16-2001 ... Problems with post-production will cause them to push the album to a 12-25-01 Christmas Day release date.

12-12-2001 ... Skidmarkk finishes "The Christmas Album" and should be ready for the 12-18-01 release date.

12-08-2001 ... Skidmarkk's first day of recording for The Christmas Album goes off without a hitch. Songs such as "Oh Holy Nate" "Morbid Fuckmas" and also recorded a Reverb Session before the night was over. Word is one more session and the album will be complete. Also, a track for The Godfather Album was recorded during recording. "The Godfather: Part Shelly 'The Machine' Levine"

12-07-2001 ... Pantaloon Records announces recording of The Christmas album to start tomorrow the 8th.

12-01-2001 ... Skidmarkk lead singer announces delay in recording of Christmas album do to busy schedule.

11-25-2001 ... Pantaloon Records announces release dates for the now officially titled The Christmas Album, 12-18-01, and The Godfather Album next year February '02.

11-21-2001 ... Skidmarkk in talks for a Christmas Album. A possible title for the new album is "What Bad Boys Get For Christmas". It's already going around that it's going to be the best Christmas Album out this year.

11-20-2001 ... First word of mouth reviews for "Skidmarkk" came in today. See the review section for detail. Basically the reviews are exactly what the band hoped for.

11-18-2001 ... Tentative artwork is released for an upcoming album also tentatively titled "The Godfather Album" Looks like it will have many songs related to the three Godfather songs on "Skidmarkk" and other Godfather releated songs yet to be recorded.

11-17-2001 ... Kristin Parker #1 fan is given the first completely pressed album.

11-13-2001 ... "Skidmarkk" is released today. Skidmarkk was able to attend the Tomahawk show in Talahassee, and was able to personally hand Mike Patton their demo.

11-3-2001 ... Pantaloon Records Production crew announces another delay on "Skidmarkk" pushes the release to 11-13.

10-29-2001 ... Recording has finished for "Skidmarkk" and date of release is officially pushed back to 11-6.

10-26-2001 ... More recording of "Skidmarkk" done today. Pantaloon Records Production crew say release may be pushed back to 11-6.

10-23-2001 ... "Inspired by Penguins" EP released today to great reviews.

10-20-2001 ... More recording of the debut full-length release of "Skidmarkk" was finished today. Looking at a 10-30 release date.

10-19-2001 ... "Inspired by Penguins" production is finished and will be released on 10-23 on schedule.

10-16-2001 ... Artworkk is finished for "Inspired by Penguins" looking for a 10-23 released date.

10-14-2001 ... The EP "Inspired by Penguins" is recorded in full at Pantaloon Records Studio.

10-12-2001 ... Skidmarkk begins their first recordings. Songs such as "One (Tom's Symphony)" "Nate's Rakoon Eyes" "Erick & Coke" and "The Reverb Session" are born today.

all reviews can be sent to or "IM" CtVertigo for more info.